Saturday, 21 February 2015

The Distance - Helen Giltrow

"Charlotte Alton has put her old life behind her. The life where she bought and sold information, unearthing secrets buried too deep for anyone else to find, or fabricating new identities for people who need their histories erased.

But now she has been offered one more job. To get a hit-man into an experimental new prison and take out someone who according to the records isn't there at all. 

It's impossible. A suicide mission. And quite possibly a set-up.

So why can't she say no?"

This was the most fast-paced novel I have read in ages. So fast-paced in fact, that for the first few chapters I had to keep flicking back to remember who was who, but once I settled into the storyline and figured out who was doing what it hooked me. The story reads like a Lee Child novel on speed - there's loads of action, loads of intrigue and the characters are extremely well-written. There is an air of mystery surrounding the whole plot all the way through and nothing becomes completely clear until the last third of the book, when all the lines tie up neatly together. It's hard to read this novel without becoming attached in some way to the main characters throughout, which I was surprised by as I don't normally feel much attachment at all to characters in this genre. The characters are complicated and cold-blooded but still have soul - it's not very often you read of an assassin who actually feels something towards their work. In short, this is simply a brilliant book. It gets a solid 4.5 stars from me, and would make an absolutely cracking movie. And I quite want to be a spy. Or an assassin. 

The Distance is out on 26th February and you can get it here:

*I received a copy from the publisher*

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